Review – FrankenThug



Richard Tanner and the crew from A Buck Short Productions are back with their newest project FrankenThug.



FrankenThug follows what happens when Atlanta drug dealer Detroit is murdered by a biker gang as they move in on his turf and gets reanimated by his brother.


The film kicks off with the bloody murder of Detroit Jones (Soze Bagley) by the biker gang Satan’s Own which many genre fans will remember from Frankenstein Created Bikers.


From there we see his corpse reanimated by his brother Doc (David Cairo) while his other brother Brooklyn (Dante Sellers) is trying to hook up with biker chick Kori (Danielle Page). As the film plays out Detroit gets loose and the havoc begins.


Clocking in at 74 minutes this would be the equivalent of Blackenstein set in the hood and in modern times.


What works for the film is it’s fun, it’s not trying to be something it’s not. Tanner knows his audience and what they want. It’s a throwback to the schlock of the 70’s and 80’s that most of us grew up loving.


While at times it might be rough around the edges you can see how the crew have grown from Once Upon A Nightmare to Room For Rent to FrankenThug. They have a lot of heart and it shows. The film also has a great soundtrack featuring tracks from The Casket Creatures and Dale Jepson and The Night Hawks.


If you’re looking for a fun indie film with an intermission hosted by The Son Of Celluloid (Nathan Hamilton) discussing why gratuitous nudity is a must in horror films then this is for you! You can grab your copy of FrankenThug here.

About the Author

Adam Holtzapfel
Growing up in the 80s on a steady diet of VHS horror, he has maintained a love of the genre since. Loving almost everything from the good, the bad, and the weird he now searches the deepest realm of the Roku to press play on any film he hasn't watched a million times.