Review – Leaf Blower Massacre



This week ECHG writer Adam Holtzapfel takes a look at Leaf Blower Massacre and Leaf Blower Massacre 2 from filmmaker Anthony Cooney.



by Adam Holtzapfel


In 2013 filmmaker Anthony Cooney unleashed his 12 minute short Leaf Blower Massacre on the unsuspecting horror scene.


This short follows a maniac in a camoflauge outfit and motorcycle helmet as he bludgeons and blows his victims away with a leaf blower.  While current in a way it’s a throwback to films like Nailgun Massacre. The tool/household item is a genre you don’t really see much outside of Texas Chainsaw, Microwave, and Nailgun Massacres. It was refreshing to see someone go back to that vein of the genre.


While the FX are minimal and the story is missing some, it works as a short showcasing what’s to come in Leaf Blower Massacre 2.



Here we see our villain preparing to blow his victim away!


The second installment clocks in at just around an hour. Featuring a cast of Ari Lehman, Portia Chellelyn, and Kaylee Williams fans are treated to a more fleshed out story.


Following the story of Professor Jennings and his missing fiance as we see cops stumble on a gruesome scene. Is Jennings the killer or merely a pawn in someone’s game?


While I liked the films, I don’t know if they’d be a go to watch for me. They’re definitely something I’d revisit once every year or two. I’ve adopted the grade rating system from Dead On Movie Reviews and would give these a C+. They show promise and kept me entertained. I’d definitely recommend these to anyone that’s a fan on indie horror and looking for something out of the norm.


You can keep up with everything Leaf Blower Massacre here.

About the Author

Adam Holtzapfel
Growing up in the 80s on a steady diet of VHS horror, he has maintained a love of the genre since. Loving almost everything from the good, the bad, and the weird he now searches the deepest realm of the Roku to press play on any film he hasn't watched a million times.