Reviews From The Crypt – Wax



This week ECHG writer Adam Holtzapfel takes us back to 2014 for a look at Wax.



by Adam Holtzapfel


Starring Jimmy Shaw & Jack Taylor with the voice of Paul Naschy this forgettable film starts with a doctor performing a procedure on a young woman. While her eyes are covered by wax.


Mike is a reporter who receives an assignment to stay over night in a spooky wax museum. After a call from his producer we see Mike setting up his cameras where he encounters a TV playing a video next to serial killer Dr. Knox. That’s right kids, it’s a found footage film.



The doctor is in.



Next we get a tour of the museum where Mike name drops movies & directors. It then cuts to Dr Knox & back to Mike seeing a wax figure that reminds him of his wife. Of course you can figure out where the film goes from here. Luckily there’s a twist, but that’s not enough to save the film.


Giving this the Dead On Movie Reviews treatment, Wax gets an F for fuck no I wouldn’t watch it again. It was nice to look at but no real gore and nothing that kept me interested in it. Instead go with House Of Wax or spend the money on a flight to Vegas and go to Madam Tussauds. Both are better options than watching Wax.



About the Author

Adam Holtzapfel
Growing up in the 80s on a steady diet of VHS horror, he has maintained a love of the genre since. Loving almost everything from the good, the bad, and the weird he now searches the deepest realm of the Roku to press play on any film he hasn't watched a million times.