Fargo metal tinged hardcore outfit Brutalur is back with Providing The Cure For Your Uselessness,
I first heard Brutalur a couple years ago when I was handed a copy of their demo which consisted of 3 songs (Hey Fuckface, Midnight Grind, Non Consensual) that also appear on this release.
This time around we get 8 tracks of blistering rage clocking in at around 25 minutes.
The fuck you to people who get on your nerves, Hey Fuckface kicks of the rampage which finally lets up with the final track, their cover of Blood Duster’s Drink, Fight, Fuck.
Fronted by Jarret Vosseler with Dustin De Tar & Nate Pehler shredding, Dave Johnson holding the beat, and Andrew Hansen on the low end, this is sure to pummel the listeners ears.
While the no fucks given approach is apparent on this release, I will say it’s not for everyone (D.B.N. starts with I like my babies shaken not stirred being yelled into a mic).
If you’re a fan of Motorhead meets Gutter Phenomenon era Every Time I Die with a little thrash tossed in, and to top it off making your family blush, then Brutalur is up your alley.
The stand out tracks for me are Midnight Grind, How To Make A Snuff Film, and Drink, Fight Fuck.