Amazon Prime picks for September, 2019

Amazon Prime Picks
Amazon Prime Picks

As many of you know, I am a fan of Amazon Prime video selections. Each month they publish their upcoming video selection on their site, but what is worth seeing?

Here’s a list of my picks for the month:

Hey rocking teens! Want to see a movie your folks loved and you never heard of because it had that old guy Kevin Costner in it? Here it is! No Way Out, for my money, is one of Costner’s and one of the 80’s best thrillers. Watching it with Amazon X-Ray to tell you who is in every scene is a bonus. Sean Young at her sexiest is in this movie, which is good, because IRL she is a total pill. Met her at a convention and really, it is every bit how you’d imagine it. Doesn’t take away from the film, though, which I think is awesome.

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.

Ever want to see an 80’s cop buddy movie with Treat Williams as an undead zombie and Joe Piscopo? No. Well, it has Vincent Price, too, so lighten up. I actually enjoy how gleefully dated this was…even when it came out. Even watching with a stream, you can smell the clamshell VHS box. It is actually a fairly good action movie with a little genre zombie comedy mixed in. Not a full on romzomcom, but as good as they could in 1986. Dead Heat is a badge of honor to see…if you can make it through.

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.

Face/Off is one of those movies some people claim is so bad it is good. I think it is just good. Over the top, sure. But loads and loads of fun. Think about it. Had either actor played the part subtle, you might have forgot who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. We need help, actors! And there they are, willing to dish it out. Nicolas Cage and John Travolta understand John Woo gun fu well enough to translate to our stateside audiences. If you haven’t seen this and like those ridiculous Fast and Furious films, check this one out.

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.

I first discovered Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior on VHS, but once I had, there was no turning back. One of, if not the best, post-apocalypse future fests packs loads of excitement, stunts and just plain fun into it’s slick wrapper. And the second half of the film is just one giant chase scene. Early Mel Gibson and midway George Miller clicks beautifully here and all is in the proper dosages. Also, one of the best “boomerangs are bad for your fingers” scenes ever filmed. Check this one out!

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.