Amazon Prime Picks for January 2020

Amazon Prime Picks
Amazon Prime Picks

As many of you know, I am a fan of Amazon Prime video selections. Each month they publish their upcoming video selection on their site, but what is worth seeing?

Here’s a list of my picks for the month:

This movie is almost too good to be an Amazon original. The Aeronauts stars Felicity Jones and Eddie Redmayne headline this story of a 19th century balloon flight that went higher than anyone in history. It plays on your fear of heights … strongly. Hang on tight for a harrowing journey. And, yes, I know the bit about a female pilot is not historically accurate. But why let facts get in the way of a good story???

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.

Now, you want a bad story? Like tragically bad? Welcome to 2018’s Slay Belles about three “urban explorer” YouTuber’s that get mixed up with Barry Bostwick‘s biker Santa Claus and a killer Krampus. There are a lot of Krampus movies out there. Skip this one. Yeech!

Save yourself some time and pour bleach into your eyes for a similar experience.

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.

I just started Season 3 of Billy Bob Thornton‘s Goliath. While this is not on a level with his first season of work on Fargo, he is good in this series and three episodes in, I think it may get as good as Season 1 but not as bad as Season 2. Season 2 sure had some hard time sticking the landing, but it was still fairly decent, but when this show pops on all cylinders, it is worth the watch. Give it a look. This season includes Beau Bridges, Amy Madigan, Griffin Dunne, and Dennis Quaid.

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.

I discovered Killer Mermaid is on Amazon Prime. Not a good flick, but awful hard to find anywhere else. If you want to see a mermaid that doesn’t sing with a crab, but rather might have a case of them, check this one out. While I wouldn’t quite recommend it, it is enough of an oddity, the curious horror fans out there might want to train their eyeballs on it briefly.

Available now for free with Amazon Prime.