Otherworldly Culture Streaming Guide for the week of October 23, 2022

We had a great reaction to our interview footage from Ohio Fan Fest so far, and we’d like to thank you for the positive notes. This past week featured OHIO FAN FEST 2022 PANEL: <strong>Butcher, Blade & Bunny</strong> and we even found notes about it on Facebook! Thanks!

Last week’s Dead On the Bases – Season 5, Inning 5 resulted in ANOTHER TIE, so we enter the second half of the game all tied up with no one on base and deep in their own end zone. That’s how it is said, right? Anyway, another episode comes Thursday featuring a perfect Halloween pick in Silence of the Lambs (1991) and a precursor of winter with the hockey film, Mystery, Alaska (1999).

Let’s Get SPOOKY! Here’s this week’s podcasts…

Streaming Guide
Streaming Guide

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Dead On The Bases

Dead On the Bases - Season 5 Inning 6
Dead On the Bases – Season 5 Inning 6

This has to be a first. We’ve never had it tied up after FIVE FULL innings before! For this week’s match up, the Vamp pulled out the big guns and put up one of the few horror films to ever garner Academy Award consideration Silence of the Lambs (1991). The Ump counters with a hockey film (which Tim has enjoyed a few of those before), Mystery, Alaska (1999), so the results this week are anyone’s guess! (Please…no wagering.)

Tim Kretschmann is the host of Dead On Movie Reviews, Now Streaming, and Dead On the Bases. He is also a columnist on OtherworldlyCulture with the column Universally Loved.