Dead On the Bases – Season 7 Inning 4 / Dog Soldiers (2002) vs. Eight Men Out (1988)

Dead On the Bases - Season 7, Inning 4
Dead On the Bases - Season 7, Inning 4

Game originally broadcast on October 19, 2023

The Vamp pulled ahead last week by a cunning strategy of putting a decent movie in against an abomination of a film. But will this week’s movie prove to intense for our timid sports fan? Probably. And that’s what’s fun about the show. This week:

The theme to “Dead On The Bases” is a mix of Kevin McLeod’s “Ballgame” and “Halls of the Undead” from the YouTube Music Library.

Dead On the Bases Pumpkin Ball
Dead On the Bases

DEAD ON THE BASES: One horror movie fan and one sports fan will get together to review movies assigned by their partner. So the UMPIRE will watch a horror film and the VAMPIRE will watch a sports film. What you get is DEAD ON THE BASES!


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