Dead On the Bases – Season 8 Inning 7 / BASEketball (1998) vs. Quarantine (2008)

Dead On the Bases - Season 8, Inning 7
Dead On the Bases - Season 8, Inning 7

Game originally broadcast on May 30, 2024

The Ump staged a huge inning last round, so now we enter this quarter with anyone’s game. The Vamp is introduced to a new sport, BASEketball (1998), this inning and the Ump is put on Quarantine (2008). Can the Ump rally? Or will the Vamp come back from last inning?

The theme to “Dead On The Bases” is a mix of Kevin McLeod’s “Ballgame” and “Halls of the Undead” from the YouTube Music Library.

Dead On the Bases Pumpkin Ball
Dead On the Bases

DEAD ON THE BASES: One horror movie fan and one sports fan will get together to review movies assigned by their partner. So the UMPIRE will watch a horror film and the VAMPIRE will watch a sports film. What you get is DEAD ON THE BASES!


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