Now Streaming: Transylvania 6-5000

Now Streaming: Transylvania 6-5000
Now Streaming: Transylvania 6-5000
Halloween Specials

Premiere Episode!

Now Streaming

Originally broadcast on October 31, 2024

For our premiere episode of Now Streaming, we come to you on Halloween 2024 with our group review of Transylvania 6-5000 which is playing on Tubi and Plex for free.

Hosted by Suzy MacIntyre…

…with panelists Tim Godak (of Darkside Collectibles), SychoSean, and Tim Kretschmann

Live on Twitch and at

Coming Soon: Previews from the Internet
Coming Soon: Previews from the Internet

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Coming Soon is our compilation of trailers we found of interesting films on YouTube.

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