They Come In Threes…another Three Celebrity Deaths

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The Big Story

The “Big Story” is where a story is taking over our feeds and we find a couple good stories on the same story.

We see celebrity deaths happen often, but this week has been exceptionally harsh. If you talk to funeral directors or law enforcement, they always state right before the holiday season and right after are unusually busy time for natural cause deaths and this week it took some great gentlemen.

Our condolences to their friends and family.

Coming Soon: Previews from the Internet
Coming Soon: Previews from the Internet

Every Tuesday we have a great new column coming to our site.

Coming Soon is our compilation of trailers we found of interesting films on YouTube.

If you are a fan or indie producer that would like to suggest a movie trailer, contact us with a YouTube (or other video sharing platform) link and maybe we will add you!

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Tim Kretschmann is the host of Dead On Movie Reviews, Now Streaming, and Dead On the Bases. He is also a columnist on OtherworldlyCulture with the column Universally Loved.