Real People Premieres in 1979
April 18, 1979 “Real People” premieres on NBC TV on April 18, 1979. “Real People” was a popular television show that aired in the United States from 1979 to 1984. The show was a pioneer…
April 18, 1979 “Real People” premieres on NBC TV on April 18, 1979. “Real People” was a popular television show that aired in the United States from 1979 to 1984. The show was a pioneer…
April 13, 1994 Asteroid 7373 Takei discovered and named after Star Trek actor George Takei. May it Live Long and Prosper! (Yes, I know that isn’t his catchphrase, but “Oh, my!” didn’t make much sense.)
April 10, 1953 “House of Wax” 1st color 3-D movie, premieres in New York. Starring the incredible Vincent Price!