Universally Loved

Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park (1993) Universal is a proud studio. Universal is an iconic studio. It has an illustrious history that spans the century. With thousands of titles, however, if there was a single film that the…

Ambulance (2022)

Ambulance (2022)

Ambulance (2022) Going into a movie, knowing too much about it, can affect your impressions of the film. (Yes, a review, designed to set up your expectations for a movie, is about to talk about…

Brazil (1985)

Brazil (1985)

Brazil nuts are relatively large nuts coming from one of the most useful trees in the Amazon rainforest. It literally has 1001 uses from carpentry, health benefits, lubricants to flooring. Brazil (1985) The 1985 Terry…

Marry Me (2022)

Marry Me (2022)

Marry Me (2022) Universal is one of the few studios still making rom-com’s on an occasional basis. Their latest, Marry Me, is based upon a web Graphic Novel (http://marryme.keenspot.com/) and stars Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson…